24/1/09     אלינור ודן סלימן מנחל עוז


Dear Family and Friends,


Please read and you may get a little of how Eleanor and I felt when Alon was in Gaza fighting.


It is still worse when you live close to where the fighting is going on and every explosion or gunfire you hear, you shake , not knowing if your son is hurt or worse.


The one week was one of the hardest Eleanor & I have ever gone through and this even includes the 13 straight years we went through when at least one of our sons were in the army,in Lebanon and Gaza.


I am proud of my son Alon and all he other brave IDF soldiers that have served in our IDF


Keep the faith,


Don Saliman



Hello," I muttered into the phone at 7:15 last Sunday morning, after looking at - and not recognizing - the phone number on the caller ID.

IDF soldiers pull out of the Gaza Strip.
Photo: IDF

"Hallo," a raspy voice answered back, waiting for recognition. When none came, the voice continued: "Abba, it's Yona."

And with those three words a 15-day trauma that began with the IDF's ground operation in the Gaza Strip simply melted away.

"Honey," I giddily screamed to my wife. "It's Yona." The lad was out of Gaza. He was safe and he was sound. Never have I felt more relieved.